1. Introduction
1.1 People in Strata Pty Ltd (“People In Strata”) aims to provide safe and enjoyable events. We believe that volunteers and guests should attend events, meetings or any other function or undertaking in relation to People In Strata without being subjected to any form of sexual harassment.
1.2 It is the obligation and responsibility of every person attending to behave in a way that is in-line of People In Strata’s values.
1.3 People In Stratais fully committed to its obligation to eliminate sexual harassment within the industry.
2. Purpose
2.1 The purpose of this document is to outline People In Strata’s position on sexual harassment and to document the process which is to be followed should any grievances arise.
3. Definitions
3.1 Sexual harassment means any unwelcome sexual advance, unwelcome request for sexual favours, or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated, and where that reaction is reasonable in the circumstances. Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to,
- staring or leering
- unnecessary familiarity, such as deliberately brushing up against you or unwelcome touching
- suggestive comments or jokes
- insults or taunts of a sexual nature
- intrusive questions or statements about your private life
- showing sending sexually explicit emails or text messages
- inappropriate advances on social networking sites
- requests for sex or repeated unwanted requests to go out on dates
- behaviour that may also be considered to be an offence under criminal law, such as physical assault, indecent exposure, sexual assault, stalking or obscene communications
3.2 For the avoidance of any doubt, behaviour that is based on mutual attraction, friendship and respect is not sexual harassment.
3.3 Victimisation refers to behavior that seeks to penalise a person for taking action or making a complaint in good faith.
4. Policy
4.1 People In Strata will not tolerate sexual harassment under any circumstances.
4.2 This policy applies to conduct that takes place in any People In Strata-related context, including conferences, functions, social events and Committee meetings.
4.3 No employee, volunteer, customer or visitor at any level should subject any other employee, volunteer, customer or visitor to any form of sexual harassment.
4.4 A breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including being asked to leave a People In Strata event, exclusion to People In Strata events for a certain time or completely, or removal from the Organising Committee, board or any other informal interaction with People In Strata affairs.
4.5 People In Strata strongly encourages any employee, volunteer, customer or visitor who feels they have been sexually harassed to take immediate action. If a person comfortable in doing so, it is preferable to raise the issue with the person directly with a view to resolving the issue by discussion. The employee or volunteer should identify the harassing behaviour, explain that the behaviour is unwelcome and offensive and ask that the behaviour stops.
4.6 Alternatively, or in addition, they may report the behaviour in accordance with the relevant procedure. Once a report is made the organisation has the right to determine how the report should be dealt with in accordance with its obligations and this policy.
4.7 Any reports of sexual harassment will be treated seriously and promptly with sensitivity. Such reports will be treated as completely confidential up to the point where a formal or informal complaint is lodged against a particular person, at which point that person must be notified under the rules of natural justice.
4.8 Complainants have the right to determine how to have a complaint treated, to have support or representation throughout the process, and the option to discontinue a complaint at any stage of the process.
4.9 No person will be treated unfairly as a result of rejecting unwanted advances. Disciplinary action, as detailed under [4.4] may be taken against anyone who victimises or retaliates against a person who has complained of sexual harassment.
Sexual Harassment Procedure
6.1 Sexual harassment can be experienced by both men and women and may involve a co-worker, volunteer, supervisor, manager, service provider, client or customer. Lack of intent is no defense in sexual harassment cases.
6.2 Persons who believe they are the subject of sexual harassment at a People In Strata Event or during an activity related to People In Strata should take firm, positive and prompt action.
6.3 Where possible, the person should make the perceived harasser(s) aware that they find their behaviour offensive, unwelcome, unacceptable, and that it needs to stop immediately.
6.4 If the behaviour continues, or if the person feels unable to speak to the person(s) directly, they should contact one of the People In Strata Organising Committee Members (“Member”).
6.5 The Member will provide support and ascertain the nature of the complaint and the wishes of the complainant.
6.2 The Member should advise the person who has reported the incident that they are able to contact Queensland Police and make a complaint, should they like to do so.
6.3 The Member may decide to alert other Members to the issue, but should consider the wishes of the person complaining before doing so.
6.4 The Member, in their sole discretion, may speak to the person complained of and ask them to stop the behaviour.
6.5 The Member, in their sole discretion, may ask the person complained of to leave the event.
6.6 The Member may recommend to the other Members that the person complained of be banned from attending events either for a certain time, or altogether. Should the majority of Members agree, the disciplinary action will be enforced to the best of People In Strata’s ability.
6.7 For the avoidance of any doubt, a person who has been complained of is not entitled to natural justice in this process.
Procedures for Dealing with Criminal Conduct
6.8 Some forms of severe sexual harassment (e.g. sexual assault, stalking, indecent exposure, physical molestation, obscene phone calls) may constitute criminal conduct.
6.9 While People In Strata is committed to taking action against sexual harassment, this type of conduct is not suited to internal resolution. Such complaints should be treated by the criminal justice system and People In Strata will recommend to the person who has complained that they should contact Queensland Police.